Untuk Nemo #1


Sudah sembuh belum pilekmu? Maaf kemarin tidak jadi menjenguk. Sepeda polygon Kak Dewa rusak, katanya rantainya putus. Bunda tak mau mengantarku ke rumahmu. Bunda bilang sore-sore sering hujan. Padahal Selasa sore kemarin, panasnya luar biasa. Jam setengah enam saja masih terang benderang. Ayah juga sama dengan Bunda. Ah, sok kompak. Ayah malah lebih cerewet,katanya kalo mau main, ya harus temanku yang main. Ayah aneh, aku kan bukan mau main, aku ingin menjenguk.

Tapi benar sudah sembuh kan? Aku dan Joan mau main badminton, kalo sudah nggak panas lagi, besok kita jemput. Tante Ais bilang kamu sudah tak lagi dikompres. Juga sudah nggak minum Contrexyn lagi kan. Tapi kok pas Joan pergi ke rumahmu, katanya mimisan. Joan bilang kamu tambah putih. Pasti karena kamu sudah satu bulan nggak keluar rumah. Curang. Besok kalo aku pilek, aku juga mau libur satu bulan.

Ya sudah ya, nanti kutelpon Joan dulu, jadi tidak kita main badminton. Kalo jadi, kita jemput jam 4. Daah! 


I Won’t Give Up – Jason Mraz

when i look into your eyes
it's like watching the night sky
or a beautiful sunrise
there's so much they hold
and just like them old stars
i see that you've come so far
to be right where you are
how old is your soul?

i won't give up on us
even if the skies get rough
i'm giving you all my love
i'm still looking up

and when you're needing your space
to do some navigating
i'll be here patiently waiting
to see what you find

'cause even the stars they burn
some even fall to the earth
we've got a lot to learn
god knows we're worth it
no, i won't give up

i don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
i'm here to stay and make the difference that i can make
our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
the tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stake
and in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
for us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
we had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
i had to learn what i've got, and what i'm not
and who i am

i won't give up on us
even if the skies get rough
i'm giving you all my love
i'm still looking up
still looking up.

i won't give up on us
god knows i'm tough enough
we've got a lot to learn
god knows we're worth it

i won't give up on us
even if the skies get rough
i'm giving you all my love
i'm still looking up

Talking ‘bout Jason Mraz, seems that he will always be ‘ideaful’ primarily in his lyrics. Some tend to express about certain things, but considerably (also) meaningful if it is interpreted for another thing. Just like how “i don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily” convey that being strong is what we need to do by facing lots of problems, and how i'm here to stay and make the difference that i can make” state that it is crucial to maintain in which we are belong to as well as try to have such an out-of-the-box thinking to do some breakthrough.

And in the end, a song is not merely how great the music but also how deep the lyrics imply :’)