Conveyed and Unconveyed Meaning of "MAKSUT LO?"
A asked B about something he did not not understand well.
A: “Pencernaan kimiawi dimulai dari mulut, memecah karbohidrat jadi
disakarida ”
B: “Maksud lo?”
A: “Mulut itu kan punya enzim, namanya ptialin, jadi dia bisa memecah zat
karbohidrat menjadi disakarida, contohnya sukrosa...”
B: “Oo gitu, aku paham sekaraang!”
It is considered as literal meaning of ‘maksud lo’. Thus, it has falling
intonation—truly interrogative. The speaker is literally say this to ask
hearers about the information he/she has just heard. Speakers are curious about
it and simply need to get the answer from his/ her question which is ‘maksud
A said that Mr.X,
his biology lecturer moved into another school. He already heard and he was
so surprised.
A: “Pak X udah nggak ngajar di sekolah ini
lagi lho”
B: “Hah? Maksud lo?”
A: “Yaa beliau udah pindah, nggak ngajar kita lagi...”
In this case, the use of ‘maksud lo’ has been modified to convey surprise.
The speaker’s intention is not merely asking the information but speakers try
to express that what they have already heard is something they do not expect/
B wants to convey something he is not very sure.
Therefore, he says his supposition to B.
A: “Nonton The Avengers di Cinema XX1 yuk”
B: “Tiketnya mahal”
A: “Siapa bilang lo harus bayar tiket?”
B: “Maksut lo........lo mau bayarin gue?”
‘Maksud lo’ is used by speakers to say something they are not very sure. It
is expected that hearers can respond toward speakers’ guess concerning a
particular thing which the hearers probably know. It is usually followed by
either hearer’s or speaker’s guess.
A gossiped B and his ex. B was very angry
because what was told by A was all fake.
A: “Eh, tahu nggak sih kalo si B itu masih
ngejar-ngejar mantannya..”
C: “Waah, iyakah? Gimana, gimana?”
A: “Iya, si B masih suka telpon, sms-an,
jemput mantannya gitu...”
B: “Eh, A, maksud lo apa hah?”
The use of ‘maksud lo’ is also found in a respond toward the insulted
utterances. Someone may say something rude and offensive then the speakers
react with this kind of utterance. It is not intended to ask him/her to say
that insulted utterance again, or even explain what it means exactly. It is
just the speaker who is really insulted and perhaps simply gives a scolding for
A was going to have the final examination and
he would like to study. However, B was very busy of playing cars. A was
A: (studying)
B: “Buuum, buum, ngeeeeeng (playing cars)”
A: “Sst...”
B: “Ciiiiiit, brrm brrrm, ngeeeeng”
A: “Heeeei, MAKSUD LOOO?”
The purpose by uttering ‘maksud lo’ may be recognized as the condition of
speakers who are not willing to be disturbed. They can be angry and make it
slower in pronouncing such utterances. People use this way to give more
emphasis instead of simply saying ‘what’s on earth are you doing here?’
Having this course is somewhat ridiculous by ‘keep staring’ on what people have
already said :D